Proximal Suspensory Desmitis
Proximal suspensory desmitis is the inflammation of the suspensory ligament close to its origin and is seen most frequently in dressage and performance horses. It is more common in the hindlimbs than the forelimbs.
Proximal suspensory desmitis is believed to be caused by repetitive strain through an increased load in the hindlimbs, for example, when a horse is performing complex dressage movements. Given that both hindlimbs are subject to this increased load then the problem is commonly bilateral.
Diagnosis of the condition is made using nerve blocks and ultrasound. Treatment involves one or more of a wide variety of methods including the use of NSAIDs, surgery, shockwave therapy and rest.
Proximal suspensory desmitis is the inflammation of the suspensory ligament and is seen most frequently in dressage and performance horses.